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Sun - Sea - Beach - Fun = ITALY

Sun - Sea -  Beach -  Fun  = ITALY
Дополнительная информация
Город / область:Rīga
Дата:17 / 06 / 2017
Подать объявление
Lai izceltu šo sludinājumu portālā TopReklama.lv, nosūtiet SMS kodu uz tālruni 1881
Izcelt uz 1 mēnesi (€1.55) TOPR a20945
Izcelt uz 3 mēnešiem (€2.95) TOPR b20945
Piemēram, ja vēlaties izcelt sludinājumu uz 3 mēnešiem, Jums jāuzraksta SMS ar tekstu TOPR b20945 un jānosūta tā uz tālruni 1881
mobile operators
Связатся: Отправить э-почту
Тел.: 00393287523475
Job opportunities
image girls, dance animator, club hostess, club animator

for work in the best clubs in Italy
Province of Modena, Florence, Arezzo, Grosseto, Roma
PLACE of WORK: The best clubs in the city
We are looking for 
Girls with good looks, beautiful and slim,
elegant, sociable and with good manners
Age: 18 - 30 years
Hight from 165 - 175 cm
Salary: : 50-90 € for working day + 10-20-30 % from bottles and consumations. Girls with knowledge of Italian and experience have advantages.
Duration of contract : 1 - 3 - 6 - 9-12 months 
Working time: evening (22.00 - 04.00 / 05.00)
Day off: 1 per week
Free Accommodation : in a apartment with all the comforts by 2 girls in the room. Or comfortable hotels close to the center of the city. There are all necessary appliances.
Pay the salary: every 2 weeks
if you're interested
Send a letter of introduction,
with your data: name, age, nationality, height, weight, phone number,
with 4 recent photos

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