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1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw

EUR 56,000,-
1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw
1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw1956 Porsche 356 A Speedster Outlaw
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Pilsēta / Reģions:Gulbene un raj.
Datums:24 / 11 / 2016
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Sazināties: Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: 0793434281
The engine Willhoit created is 912-based, with a SCAT lightweight 74-mm crankshaft and Carrillo connecting rods. Willhoit sent the case to Ollie's Machine in Santa Ana for all internal work. Custom, 91-mm cylinders made from Mahle VW big-bore cores yielded a displacement of 1925 cc.

W/R 1925cc twin plug engine with EFI
152 horsepower / 140 ft/lbs of torque
10.8:1 compression
SCAT lightweight 74mm crankshaft
Carrillo connecting rods
Forged, lightweight JE pistons
Web Cam custom billet-ground camshaft
Motec engine control unit
W/R billet twin-ignition distributor
TWM throttle bodies, fuel rails and stacks
M&W Ignitions dual-output CDI system
Porsche Carrera 3.2 fuel pump
Lightweight flywheel rendered in 4340 chromoly
Kennedy Engi-neered Products Stage I aluminum pressure plate
Dual-friction clutch disc
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