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Yamaha Aerox, 2005

EUR 2,305,- 1,620,-
Yamaha Aerox, 2005
Yamaha Aerox, 2005Yamaha Aerox, 2005
Sludinājuma papildinformācija
Pilsēta / Reģions:Rīga
Datums:07 / 07 / 2011
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mobile operators
Sazināties: Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: 29118302
Pārdodu motorolleri. Motorollers ļoti labā stāvoklī. Ir tūnings gan vizuāli, gan motorā. Lieta tikai labākā motul eļļa. Pilnigi svaigs 70cm3 cilindrs, tiktikko iebraukts. Ļoti labs transporta lidzeklis pa pilsētu. Gan arii citur. Šis motorollers ir ieguvis 1. Vietu, scooter customshow latvia 2011.

Krāsa-Subaru zila. /monster energy edition/. Jauni plastmasi.

Max atrums. 100-125Km/h

pilnigi svaigas pirelli riepas.

Aptuvenais detaļu saraksts, tiem kas saprot. /diemžēl angliski/

intake system stage6
underfloor behind front wheel str8 flip-flop blue
lower front fairing str8 flip-flop blue
front fcd extrem black
oil drain plug str8 - newstyle blue
switch unit ssp cnc type chrome
throttle grip ssp cnc type black
fuel filler cap str8 chrome
water pump stage6 cnc blue
brake reservoir cover stage6 cooling style black anodised
brake levers stage6 cnc type ii black anodised
kickstarter stage6 evo mkii black
sidestand buzzetti chrome
cover for downhill handlebar odf checker plate
foot plates lennes chapter two
rear shock malossi rs24
stage6 floating rear brake disc - stainless steel
stage6 280mm oversized stage6 r/t 4
voltage rectifier/converter koso digital
speedometer koso eclipse style
inner rotor ignition malossi mhr
ngk spark plug cap and ht lead, racing
racing air filter hebo 30
choke cable polini choke lever without cable
stage6 19mm dellorto be 19mm (main jet 92, pilot jet 50, .
Fuel filter fast flow ii
fuel hose stage6 high-resistant
gearbox cover racing
clutch bell stage6 r/t (107mm)
clutch stage6 torque control mkii (107mm)
torque driver malossi (107mm)
torque spring stage6 hard
drive belt stage6
multivar malossi
static fan pulley hebo manston air speed
cylinder stage6 sport pro 70cc

ja vajadzīga vairāk informācija, par detaļām un pārējo, -zvanīt. Ir arī iespeja dabūt vairāk bildes. Obligāti ar pārrakstīšanu.
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