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The best price in Europe! Inspire pro

EUR 2,900,-
The best price in Europe! Inspire pro
The best price in Europe! Inspire proThe best price in Europe! Inspire pro
Sludinājuma papildinformācija
Pilsēta / Reģions:Cits
Datums:31 / 05 / 2016
Mājas lapaapskatīt
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Lai izceltu šo sludinājumu portālā TopReklama.lv, nosūtiet SMS kodu uz tālruni 1881
Izcelt uz 1 mēnesi (€1.55) TOPR a17470
Izcelt uz 3 mēnešiem (€2.95) TOPR b17470
Piemēram, ja vēlaties izcelt sludinājumu uz 3 mēnešiem, Jums jāuzraksta SMS ar tekstu TOPR b17470 un jānosūta tā uz tālruni 1881
mobile operators
Sazināties: Kęstutis Fedirka Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: +37062222100
I want to sell my Inspire Pro with x5 camera.

The best price in Europe!
He had only 25 flights so it's like new.
The newest model of the Inspire with X5 camera.

For more information about the product :

Inspire Pro with a guarantee. I bought it at the end of October last year, at ,,Promaksa'' in Lithuania. It cost 5000 euros .
Possible VAT account.
A good investment that will pay off quickly if you want it , and if you will make the correct actions .

FotoSkrydis.lt, info@fotoskrydis.lt
or phone number: +37062222100
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