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Portable Balancer

EUR 1,950,-
Portable Balancer
Sludinājuma papildinformācija
Pilsēta / Reģions:Cits
Datums:12 / 01 / 2018
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Izcelt uz 1 mēnesi (€1.55) TOPR a23468
Izcelt uz 3 mēnešiem (€2.95) TOPR b23468
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mobile operators
Sazināties: OU Vibromera Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: +3728801884
For sale:
Balancing set “BALANSET-4” is portable balancing set intended for balancing in one, two, three and four planes of correction of the rotors rotating in own bearings.

Balancing set includes: up to 4 sensors of vibration, phase corner sensor, measuring block, and also portable computer - the netbook or the laptop. (The use of the desktop computer is possible if needed).

It can be used when carrying out assembly, installation and repair works to decrease the dynamic loadings operating on bearing knots of machines owing to their unbalance. Thus the operation resource of machines and mechanisms raises significantly. Use of a balancing set allows to exclude in many cases need for special balancing machines as balancing of a rotor is carried out in its own bearings without dismantling of the mechanism

If necessary the Balanset-4 balancing set can be also used as a measuring system of the balancing machine. All process of balancing including measurement, processing and indication information output on size and an installation site of the correction load is carried out in the automated mode and doesn't demand from the user of the additional skills and knowledge which are beyond the present instruction.

Results of all balancing remain in Archive of balancing and can be unpacked in the form of protocols.

Besides balancing the balancing set “Balanset-4” can additionally be used as vibrotachometer allowing to carry out measurement on four channels of the average quadratic value (AQV) of total vibration, RMS of a reverse component of vibration and also to control the frequency of rotor rotation.

Besides, this balancing set allows to output the display of charts of temporary function and a range of vibration on vibrospeed that can be useful at an assessment of technical conditions of the balanced machine.
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