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"Vingidos konstrukcijos", Ltd.

EUR 1,-
"Vingidos konstrukcijos", Ltd.
"Vingidos konstrukcijos", Ltd."Vingidos konstrukcijos", Ltd.
Sludinājuma papildinformācija
Pilsēta / Reģions:Rīga
Datums:08 / 01 / 2016
Mājas lapaapskatīt
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Izcelt uz 3 mēnešiem (€2.95) TOPR b15091
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mobile operators
Sazināties: Tomas Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: +37067643830
“Vingidos konstrukcijos” is a company founded in 1993. The company's main activities – hangar design, manufacture, and other construction with the PVC tent material. A great experience in this field enables the company to accurately carry out the projects of any complexity level. Hall walls can be covered by profiled steel sheets. Prices depend on the required designs.
Phone for the questions: +37067813814, +37067643830
JSC “Vingidos konstrukcijos” Klaipeda, Lithuania
E-mail: vingidos.konstrukcijos@gmail.com
Web: www.vingida.com; www.mobilehangars.com

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