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DNS- Tvind in cooperation with One World University

DNS- Tvind in cooperation with One World University
DNS- Tvind in cooperation with One World University
Sludinājuma papildinformācija
Pilsēta / Reģions:Cits
Datums:11 / 08 / 2011
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Sazināties: Gunars Kubarko Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: 0045 21124360
Become an Activist - Volunteer + gain a University degree

We offer two programs:

Bachelor degree in “Pedagogy” from One World University
1st year: International Practice Field: 2 months preparation for a 4 months bus travel through Northern Africa followed with 3 months studies and evaluation – all combined with connected theoretical studies. Exams.
2nd year: The European practice Field: 9 months training in experiencing and understanding the European reality with connected theoretical studies. Exams.
3rd year: The school Practice Field: 12 months training in experiencing and understanding the reality of children and teachers in school, with connected theoretical studies. Exams.

B certificate in “Pedagogy” and “Fighting with The Poor”
1st period is 12 months long in Denmark. (Working with second-hand clothes collection or as assistant teacher in Day school + Studies and Exams.)
2nd period is 8 months long in Africa or India:
3rd period is 4 months long in Denmark. (Teaching for funds + making The Journal. Final Exams)

Think global - Act local

More information:
DNS- Tvind
Phone: +45 21 124 360
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