» Sludinājumi » Darbs
Mani sludinājumi

Dancer and Hostess

EUR 2,500,-
Dancer  and Hostess
Sludinājuma papildinformācija
Pilsēta / Reģions:Rīga
Datums:21 / 08 / 2015
Izvietot sludinājumu
Lai izceltu šo sludinājumu portālā TopReklama.lv, nosūtiet SMS kodu uz tālruni 1881
Izcelt uz 1 mēnesi (€1.55) TOPR a15081
Izcelt uz 3 mēnešiem (€2.95) TOPR b15081
Piemēram, ja vēlaties izcelt sludinājumu uz 3 mēnešiem, Jums jāuzraksta SMS ar tekstu TOPR b15081 un jānosūta tā uz tālruni 1881
mobile operators
Sazināties: Yuri Dobos Sūtīt e-pastu
Tālr.: 00393347736826
Work in Italy

Job offer in Italy as a dancer, hostess, ballet show
the best clubs in north and central Italy.
Clubs high-level, select beautiful girls for entertainment customers with or without experience. dancer and show ballet
These fashionable clubs are in various cities of north and central Italy and sea area. It offers fixed pay,50-80 euro + free accommodation in apartment with all comfort. + free driver
If interested, send 4 photos, your measurements and CV to:
Izceltie sludinājumi
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